Electronic Marquee Sign at CHS
The electronic marquee sign at Aberdeen Central High School was installed in 2011, thanks to the support of two major donors, Sanford Health and Midstates/QQP.
The message board promotes the many activities going on at CHS year round, as well as serves as a welcome to our out-of-town visitors.

Distinguished Artists Gallery and CHS Alumni Gallery

The Distinguished Artists Gallery and CHS Alumni Gallery both feature artwork by CHS alumni. The Foundation is proud to help feature the work of our established artists, and encourage our young artist

Simmons Middle School Lasting Legacy Construction Partners Project
In 2008, the construction project at Simmons Middle School was completed. Area construction partners played a huge role in helping to complete a comprehensive site improvement plan for the outdoor environment of Simmons Middle School! Outdoor site improvement items include pavers, benches, bike racks, flower planters and landscaping.
Many thanks to our Legacy Partners: Kyburz-Carlson Construction Lien Transportation Krohmer Plumbing.

Bas- Relief Sculptures

The final bronze relief panel of a series of four was dedicated at the 2011 CHS Homecoming football game on September 16, 2011. Each year for the past 4 years, three to five of the top senior art students at CHS have been asked to design and sculpt a panel under the direction of art teacher, Sherri Treeby and her partner in the Bad River Artworks, Lee Leuning.
The panels represent the 4 major topics important to CHS and each holds many symbolic layers of meaning. According to Treeby, “If you look closely at the first panel, the academic panel, you will see Shakespeare’s face, the periodic table, science reference, and writing instruments. This panel was placed first and closest to the building. The second panel representing the fine arts depicts the soul and creativity of our school, with dance, music, and visual arts highlighted. The third panel, the community spirit panel, showcases the symbol of our school, the big beautiful Golden Eagle. The fourth and newest panel highlights sports activities with a variety of disciplines represented.”
A unifying ribbon ties the four panels together, starting with a science beaker’s fumes in the first panel that turns into directional paint on the fine arts panel, into a banner on the community spirit panel and into a running track on the fourth and final panel, the sports panel.
Although Treeby and Leuning helped out with some fine detail work, the kids were truly the artists. Treeby states, “We are very proud of our kids. It is amazing what they are able to do when the bar is set very high. Bronze is an intimidating material for a lot of working artists. The kids just didn’t know it, and no one told them. We expected them to do it and they did!”
The Academics Bronze Relief was funded by the CHS Student Senate.Donors stepped up to the plate to make this project happen by paying the foundry costs of approximately $65,000 for a lasting tribute to the importance of education. A commissioned bronze of this professional caliber would be in the range of $200,000 in today's market.
The Athletics Bronze Relief that was funded by the CHS Athletics Boosters.
Ka (CHS Class of '49) and Sally Squire are pictured at left by the Fine Arts Bronze Relief that they funded through the Aberdeen Public Schools Foundation!

Bronze Eagle Sculpture

Thanks to the financial support of Vision Care Associates and Ophthalmology Associates, the Bronze Eagle Sculpture is now flying high at Central High School. Many thanks to all who supported this project, especially, the Classes of 1951 and 1956.
The Eagle Sculpture was designed and created by Lee Leuning and Sherri Treeby of Bad River Artworks.
Photo caption: The unveiling of the Bronze Eagle Sculpture at CHS as photographed by American News Photographer, Dawn Dietrich-Sahli.
Daktronics Scoreboards in Golden Eagles Arena

In 2004 the Aberdeen Public Schools Foundation partnered with local businesses to fund the purchase of a state-of-the-art Daktronics scoreboard system for golden Eagle Arena at "New" Central. The project extended over a five-year period, and many of the original partners continue to support the students of the Aberdeen Public School District.
The Foundation is proud of its participation in securing the scoreboard system that adds much excitement to events held at Golden Eagles Arena.
Civic Arena Wood Floor

One of the original projects for the Aberdeen Public Schools Foundation was funding the wooden floor in Aberdeen Civic Arena in the 1990s.