5th Grade Graduated today with D.A.R.E. - thanks Officer Hovendick and the Aberdeen Police Department for instructing this past winter.
about 2 years ago, Mr. Chris Osborn, principal
5th Grade DARE graduates
DARE certified
Proud class
PTA Box-top & Receipts winners - pelt the principal with water balloons.
about 2 years ago, Mr. Chris Osborn, principal
3D classroom
3rd Graders were visited by Aberdeen Central’s Environmental Club’s Earth Day project. Thanks for sharing. #CCLsoar
about 2 years ago, Mr. Chris Osborn, principal
Bees, Trees, and Seas
3rd Grade
3rd Grade at Dakotah Prairie Museum - a look back on history
about 2 years ago, Mr. Chris Osborn, principal
We created posters for the graduating seniors that attended C.C. Lee during their ASD journey! Congrats seniors! #CCLEESOAR
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Erickson’s Kinder Class
We created posters for the graduating seniors that attended C.C. Lee during their ASD journey! Congrats seniors! #CCLEESOAR
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Erickson’s Kinder Class
CHS graduates of 2022 return to C.C. Lee. Great to see these faces that left 7 years ago - Good Luck Eagles.
about 2 years ago, Mr. Chris Osborn, principal
C.c Lee 2022 graduates
C.CLee class of 2022
Graduates walk through
Walk through at CCL
Images of the World was here today, the kids traveled through the Rain Forest and Mayan Ruins.
about 2 years ago, Mr. Chris Osborn, principal
K-2 enjoying the journey
3-5 touring the Rain Forests of Central America
N for Nice and Neat! Everyone looks their best for our Spring Music Program! #CCLEESOAR
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Erickson’s Kinder Class
May the 4th be with You!
about 2 years ago, C.C. Lee Elementary
silly Star Wars
Star Wars fun
Some celebrate May the 4th at CCL…..Grogu even stopped!
about 2 years ago, C.C. Lee Elementary
CCL PTA is sweet on this staff. #teacherappreciation #CCLsoar
about 2 years ago, Mr. Chris Osborn, principal
Lemonade for the staff
J for Joke Day! What did the ocean say to the pirate? Nothing, it just waved! We had some good laughs today! #CCLEESOAR
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Erickson’s Kinder Class
J for Joke Day! How does a cow do math? With a cow-culator! #CCLEESOAR
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Erickson’s Kinder Class
Flowers for staff - CCLee PTA #gratefultobeCCL
about 2 years ago, Mr. Chris Osborn, principal
Smith flowers - appreciation
PTA appreciates CCL - Thanks for the flowers.
about 2 years ago, Mr. Chris Osborn, principal
5J - pta flowers
PTA showing appreciation to the CCL staff. #CCLSoar #CCLpta
about 2 years ago, Mr. Chris Osborn, principal
CCL Appreciation
I is for Ink Day! We get to use special pens all day! #CCLEESOAR
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Erickson’s Kinder Class
H for Hat Day! #CCLEESOAR
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Erickson’s Kinder Class
G for Game Day! #CCLEESOAR
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Erickson’s Kinder Class